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Item | Part number | Qty. | Description | Equivalents | Producer Note | M.O.Q. | Unit Price | Add to Basket |
1 | [1113178] Not available anymore | 1 | NUT | M16X1,5 | 50 | |||
16980535 | 1 | HEXAGON NUT | 1 | Order | ||||
12 | 42533810 | 1 | GENERATOR STATOR | 1 | Order | |||
13 | 8094567 | 1 | RECTIFIER BRIDGE | 1 | Order | |||
15 | [42534878] Not available anymore | 1 | VOLTAGE REGULATOR | 0 | ||||
42594668 | 1 | VOLTAGE REGULATOR | 1 | Order | ||||
18 | [42535631] Not available anymore | 1 | GENERATOR PULLEY | 1 | ||||
42566793 | 1 | GENERATOR PULLEY | 1 | Order |
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