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Item | Part number | Qty. | Description | Equivalents | Producer Note | M.O.Q. | Unit Price | Add to Basket |
6 | 8094837 Not available anymore | 6 | PISTONRING SET STD [UP TO # 85303] | 0 | ||||
7 | [2996151] Not available anymore | 6 | PISTON ASSY | 0 | ||||
500054545 | 6 | PISTON ASSY | 1 | Order | ||||
8 | [2996152] Not available anymore | 6 | KIT PISTON/CYLIN. | 0 | ||||
500054546 | 6 | KIT PISTON/CYLIN. | 1 | Order | ||||
28 | 504032095 | 6 | PISTON PIN | 1 | Order | |||
29 | 16873373 | 12 | CIRCLIP | 5 | Order | |||
30 | 2996143 | 6 | PISTONRING SET STD [FROM # 85304] | 1 | Order |
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